static P2P wikisoft.
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lexicon.js (1967B)

      1 window.DATABASE.lexicon = `
      2 HOME
      3 	DESC : This is the {Home(home)}.
      4 	UNDER : root
      5 	TAGS : 
      6 	LONG
      7 		? IMPORTANT: See {Ekor(knowledge/ekor)}
      9 INDEX
     10 	UNDER : root
     11 	DESC : {Wyve(code/wyve)}'s index.'
     14 	UNDER : special
     16 EKOR
     17 	UNDER : knowledge
     18 	DESC : {Ekor(knowledge/ekor)} is an experiment about the privation of online and electronic activity.
     19 	LONG :
     20 		& {*Ekor*} is an attempt of fixing myself. By privating myself from things during 2 weeks, this experiment will try to help me understand myself.
     21 		& I was tempted to do it after I needed an online break because my activity there has caused several panic attacks, crisis and what not during this months.
     22 		* Stage I: OSAP ─ {.started.}.
     23 		& {.Online Social Activity Privation.}, consists in not using services like the shown in the list below for the period of one or two weeks, and trying to focus on programming and studies.
     24 		- Twitter
     25 		- Discord
     26 		- Slack
     27 		- IRC
     28 		- Skype
     29 		* Stage II: EAP ─ {.waiting.}.
     30 		& {.Electronic Activity Privation.}, consists in not using my computer, video game consoles and whatnot {*at all*}, and limiting the use of my cellphone to only music and important communication. This will only be done if the results in stage 1 are satisfactory.
     32 WYVE
     33 	TITLE : Wyve
     34 	DESC : {Wyve(code/wyve)} is a static wikisoft.
     35 	UNDER : code
     36 	TAGS : meta
     37 	LINKS
     38 		{Source(https://gitlab.com/nownpl/volkrom)}
     39 	LONG
     40 		* {*Wyve*} is a fully static authoring engine / wikisoft.
     41 		& Wyve was designed for the Dat protocol, providing CMS-like dashboard for the archive owner, and other features that otherwise would require a server. It was also designed to be build-less and plug-and-play.
     42 		& Wyve also interacts nicely with the other {Mercury(code/mercury)} tools, such as Ethr, and Akeo.
     44 404
     45 	TITLE : not_found
     46 	DESC : The {Völkrom} archivist services desk.
     47 	UNDER : root
     48 	LONG
     49 		& This page is not archived.
     50 `
     52 const self = new Indental(DATABASE.lexicon).parse();
     53 export default self